When Creating Content For First View, You Should: (Select All That Apply.)

  • Convey a key message: The timeline moves fast and people’s attention spans move faster. Successful brands convey their key message quickly.
  • Use extremely loud music: Loud noises attract attention and can help give your ad more views.
  • Keep copy succinct: Short is always sweet. Tweets with under 100 characters drive significantly higher engagement than those over 100.
  • Feature people: Consumers are naturally drawn to human faces. Show people and/or talent in the first few frames to draw people in.


Answer: A / C / D 

  • Convey a key message: The timeline moves fast and people’s attention spans move faster. Successful brands convey their key message quickly.
  • Keep copy succinct: Short is always sweet. Tweets with under 100 characters drive significantly higher engagement than those over 100.
  • Feature people: Consumers are naturally drawn to human faces. Show people and/or talent in the first few frames to draw people in.


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