Twitter Video Ad Badge Assessment Answers

Exam Name: Twitter Video Ad Badge Assessment Answer

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Question Database 

  1. Which of these statements best describe First View? (Select all that apply.)
  2. What are the three bid units available when creating a Promoted Video Views campaign?
  3. What can help your audience make a connection within the first few seconds of watching your video?
  4. First View campaigns can only be purchased through _____.
  5. Twitter’s #BlueBrush team can help when _____. (Select three.)
  6. If your company wants to promote new running shoes with famous athletes, they should choose:
  7. True or False: Pre-roll ads are skippable after 6 seconds.
  8. Which Live Brand Studio product requires approval from the Twitter Brand Team?
  9. When creating a new In-Stream Video Ad, what does “Brand Safety” inside targeting criteria allow you to do?
  10. Twitter Polls are best used when brands want to ______. (Select two.)
  11. When creating content for First View, you should: (Select all that apply.)
  12. Each Promoted Trend is made up of which three components? (Select three.)
  13. Creative matters because _____.
  14. In-Stream Video Ads are:
  15. Match the following sponsorship types to the definitions.
  16. Clear logo placement can positively impact:
  17. Which type of In-Stream Video Ad would you choose for your sponsorship campaign if you wanted to connect with the audience of an awards show happening right now?
  18. True or False: You create a First View campaign by starting with the campaign objective.
  19. Match the sponsorship purchase methods to the descriptions.
  20. What is the best tool for driving sales that is directly within your control?
  21. Why should you work with an influencer?
  22. For video Tweet content, match the questions to the ad component:
  23. You may need Twitter’s #Optimization team when _____. (Select three.)
  24. What are the three key factors to maximizing the effectiveness of your video ads on Twitter?
  25. Which statement about First View and Promoted Trend is true?
  26. Which of the following safeguards does Twitter employ to protect brand safety?
  27. In-Stream Video Ads help advertisers to: (Select two.)
  28. Advertisers should consider First View when they want to: (Select all that apply.)
  29. What is a Conversational Video Ad?
  30. True or False: The Promoted Trend Spotlight adds a high-impact, full-bleed media Spotlight placement in the Trends section.
  31. Match the following combined takeover products to their potential impacts.
  32. Which of the following statements about Promoted Trend Spotlight is correct?
  33. True or False: People on Twitter are watching more than 2 billion videos daily.
  34. True or False: Promoted Trend Description can be changed by advertisers throughout the day.
  35. In-Stream Video Sponsorships can be most effective for brands who: (Select three.)
  36. The Promoted Trend Spotlight adds a high-impact, full-bleed media Spotlight placement at the top of the ______.
  37. Which of the following are best practices when creating an In-Stream Video Ad? (Select all that apply.)
  38. Match the following terms to the descriptions.
  39. Video ads on Twitter feel more relevant and less intrusive because:
  40. True or False: Promoted Trends can be purchased by multiple advertisers per geographic area, per day.
  41. What are the three types of video formats you can choose for your Promoted Video Views campaign?
  42. What is a Video Website Card?
  43. Match the best practices for good creative to the statements.
  44. When will people on Twitter typically see a First View campaign in their timeline?
  45. Which Live Brand Studio product offers live, real-time analytics in Media Studio?
  46. What are the three purchasing options for an In-Stream Video Ad?
  47. Twitter In-Stream Video Ads: (Select two.)
  48. What is one of the reasons brands are choosing to go live on Twitter?
  49. What are the locations where you might see a Promoted Video served?
  50. What types of events are brands choosing to highlight when going live on Twitter? (Select all that apply.)
  51. Which two Twitter video ad formats allow your message to be one of the first things a person sees when they log on? (Select all that apply.)