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About this course

  • There are 3 parts to this exam.
  • Part 1: GCP Compute
  • Questions: 30 questions
  • Part 2: GCP Storage and Databases
  • Questions: 35 questions
  • Part 3: GCP Big Data and Machine Learning
  • Questions: 30 questions
  • Passing score: 80% or higher to pass
  • Retake period: If you don’t pass the exam, you can take it again after 1 day.

For taking the Google Cloud Platform Business Professional Accreditation Exam to follow the below steps

? Step 1: Go to the official Page and sign in with your Google account.

? Step 2: Start your exam.

? Step 3: Copy (Ctrl+C) the question from the Google Cloud Platform Business Professional Accreditation Exam section and then find (Ctrl+F) the question from here and get the correct answer.

? Step 4: After completing the exam, you will get the Google Cloud Platform Business Professional Accreditation Certificate.

Part 1. Assessment: GCP Compute

You’re about to complete the GCP Compute assessment.

  • There are 30 questions, each designed to test your knowledge of the content covered in the course.
  • You will need a minimum of 80% passing score to receive credit.
  • If you close the assessment before receiving your final score, it’ll automatically be marked as “” not passed”.
  • You have unlimited attempts to take the assessment. If you don’t receive a minimum of 80% score, you’ll need to wait 24 hours to take it again.

  1. Which of these key terms indicate a business-related challenge that App Engine addresses?
  2. As a computing platform provided as a service, how does App Engine provide value?
  3. Which product included in Google Cloud networking serves content to end users with high availability and high performance?
  4. Compute Engine is ideal for organizations that:
  5. What business value can Firebase provide?
  6. Organizations can build apps that run on Kubernetes Engine that: (Select the 2 correct answers)
  7. What challenges are addressed by Google Cloud networking?
  8. How does Cloud Functions connect and extend cloud services?
  9. What is a software container?
  10. Which statement best describes where Google Cloud networking fits within GCP?
  11. Which of these statements best expresses what you can do with Cloud Functions?
  12. Which of the following best defines Compute Engine?
  13. What business value can Compute Engine provide?
  14. Mobile app teams can integrate their mobile apps with one of the available __________ and manage the integrated Firebase services via _____________ which includes tools from Google for developing apps, engaging with users, and earning more through mobile ads.
  15. What business value can Kubernetes Engine provide?
  16. Firebase helps mobile application development teams:
  17. Which product included in Google Cloud networking allows organizations to connect GCP resources in a separate network or domain and isolate them from each other for security and compliance?
  18. How does Compute Engine provide the same computing power that Google uses for its infrastructure?
  19. Which of these is an example of a challenge addressed by Cloud Functions?
  20. Compared to Compute Engine and App Engine, what type of solution is Kubernetes Engine?
  21. what is Kubernetes Engine?
  22. What are some challenges that Firebase addresses? Select the 2 correct answers.
  23. Which of the following is a benefit provided by Cloud Functions?
  24. What is the definition of a “network” in relation to GCP?
  25. Of the four GCP options that are aligned with where the code needs to run, App Engine is:
  26. What service do organizations receive with App Engine that meets key developer needs?
  27. How does Compute Engine improve quality and time to market?
  28. During the app building process, which of these challenges are relieved by App Engine that organizations would have previously had to do on their own? Select the 3 correct answers.
  29. Firebase is GCP’s mobile extension. Several of Firebase’s products are built on top of GCP products, providing mobile-optimized SDKs and capabilities. Which of these products can be amplified via Firebase?
  30. Developer agility comes from building systems composed of small, independent units of functionality focused on doing one thing well, so how does Cloud Functions help improve developer agility?
Part 2: GCP Storage and Databases

You’re about to complete the GCP Storage and Databases assessment.

  • There are 35 questions, each designed to test your knowledge of the content covered in the course.
  • You will need a minimum of 80% passing score to receive credit.
  • If you close the assessment before receiving your final score, it’ll automatically be marked as “” not passed”.
  • You have unlimited attempts to take the assessment. If you don’t receive a minimum of 80% score, you’ll need to wait 24 hours to take it again.
  1. Organizations considering Cloud Spanner often find ACID transactions valuable. What are ACID transactions?
  2. Which statement best aligns with the role Cloud Spanner plays in GCP?
  3. Related to ease of use, organizations can focus on their app, not their infrastructure, because Cloud Spanner:
  4. How does Cloud SQL address the challenge of compatibility?
  5. Cloud Spanner is:
  6. Considering where it fits in the GCP, Cloud Datastore is good for:
  7. With Cloud Spanner, if one region goes offline, data can still be served from another region. How does Cloud Spanner make this possible?
  8. “High availability and durability via replications is just there: you don’t need to think about it or manage it. No scheduled downtime for upgrades, resizing or configuration changes.” Which of the following concerns is addressed by this Cloud Datastore value proposition?
  9. What is a data transfer option offered by Google to help move data?
  10. What are some common challenges that can be addressed by data transfer options?
  11. How does Cloud Storage deliver simplicity?
  12. Cloud Firestore is:
  13. Connecting to Cloud SQL databases looks the same as connecting to a MySQL or PostgreSQL database by using:
  14. With Cloud Bigtable, organizations can accelerate time to market for their data-intensive applications, enable seamless, ________________, reduce operational overhead, and improve business operations.
  15. What aspect of Cloud Datastore allows organizations to worry less about making changes to their underlying data structure as their application evolves?
  16. What is an example of a time-consuming task required to set up and run a database that organizations can hand off to Google when they choose to use Cloud SQL?
  17. How does Cloud Storage help organizations get content to their users faster?
  18. How does BigQuery Data Transfer Service work?
  19. What is Cloud Bigtable NOT good for?
  20. Cloud Storage ____________ object (or BLOB) data. Organizations can store an unlimited number of objects, up to 5 ___________ in size each.
  21. “Cloud Datastore enables you to hand off the responsibility of running a highly scalable document-oriented database to Google. From 10 users to 100s of millions of users, you will no longer need to spend time optimizing, configuring the database, updating it, or monitoring system health.” Which of the following concerns is addressed by this Cloud Datastore value proposition?
  22. Using your understanding of GCP options/products meant to address storage and database areas, which statement best aligns with where Cloud Bigtable fits within GCP?
  23. “High availability and durability via replications is just there; you don’t need to think about it or manage it. No scheduled downtime for upgrades, resizing or configuration changes.” Which of the following concerns is addressed by this Cloud Firestore value proposition?
  24. Which of these statements about Cloud Datastore is FALSE?
  25. What type of database is Cloud SQL?
  26. What business challenges does Cloud Bigtable address? Select the 2 correct answers.
  27. Why is Cloud Bigtable great for IoT and user analytics?
  28. Which of the following describes Cloud Firestore’s business value?
  29. Which statement best defines where data transfers fit within the GCP?
  30. Cloud Storage is good for:
  31. With Cloud Firestore, you no longer need to determine the number of nodes or add servers or storage because:
  32. Which Cloud Storage class is meant for organizations with the lowest frequency access?
  33. Cloud Firestore is good for:
  34. What is a common use case for moving data to GCP? Select the 2 correct answers.
  35. What is Cloud SQL?
Part 3: GCP Big Data and Machine Learning

You’re about to complete the GCP Big Data and Machine Learning assessment.

  • There are 30 questions, each designed to test your knowledge of the content covered in the course.
  • You will need a minimum of 80% passing score to receive credit.
  • If you close the assessment before receiving your final score, it’ll automatically be marked as “” not passed”.
  • You have unlimited attempts to take the assessment. If you don’t receive a minimum of 80% score, you’ll need to wait 24 hours to take it again.
  1. Which of these statements best describes the kinds of transforms a Cloud Dataflow pipeline can do?
  2. BigQuery can bring in other Google products because within the common big data processing model, BigQuery is found in the ____________ phases.
  3. What is the business value that Cloud Pub/Sub can provide?
  4. Which challenge is Cloud IoT designed to address?
  5. Likened to a connector, which description best aligns to Cloud Pub/Sub’s role in GCP?
  6. BigQuery has the ability to scale seamlessly; what is another benefit when it comes to infrastructure?
  7. Within the big data processing model, which description defines where Cloud Pub/Sub falls and the role it plays?
  8. What is the value that Cloud Dataflow can provide?
  9. Which of these benefits correspond to business challenges that are addressed by Cloud IoT?
  10. What business value can BigQuery provide?
  11. For organizations that want a large-scale machine learning service, select the value ML provides.
  12. What business challenges does Cloud IoT address? Select the 3 correct answers.
  13. How is BigQuery ideal for organizations that run a data warehouse?
  14.  Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed service for transforming and enriching data in stream (real time) and batch (historical) modes with equal reliability and expressiveness. Knowing this, where does Cloud Dataflow fit in the big data processing model?
  15. Cloud Dataflow is a tool for developing and executing a wide range of data processing patterns on very large datasets. Which of these examples aligns with what Cloud Dataflow can do?
  16. Google Cloud’s AI provides modern machine learning services, with ________ models and a service to generate your own __________ models.
  17. What does Cloud Dataproc do to help organizations avoid expensive underutilized clusters?
  18. What are some business challenges that Cloud Dataproc addresses?
  19. How does Cloud IoT help organizations unlock business insights in real time from data across globally dispersed devices?
  20. Cloud IoT is a set of fully managed and integrated services that allows organizations to easily and securely connect, manage, and collect data from devices across the globe at a large scale. Knowing this, what stage of big data processing does Cloud IoT belong in?
  21. A query is how you retrieve information from a database, so which of these paths demonstrates the journey of a query?
  22. Which of these statements best expresses what you can do with Cloud Dataflow?
  23. The Cloud Dataproc approach allows organizations to use Hadoop/Spark/Hive/Pig when needed. It takes on average only 90 seconds between the moment resources are requested and a job can be submitted. What makes this possible?
  24. What dataset type is vital to machine learning?
  25. Machine learning is a branch of computer science that:
  26. What is the value that Cloud Pub/Sub provides? Select the 2 correct answers.
  27. An organization’s analysts use Spark Shell. However, their IT department is concerned about the increase in usage and how to scale their cluster, which is running in Standalone mode. How does Cloud Dataproc help?
  28. Which of these statements about the Publisher-Subscriber pattern utilized by Cloud Pub/Sub is TRUE?
  29. Which of the following is one of Google’s machine-learning-as-a-service offerings?
  30. Which statement best describes where Cloud Dataproc falls on the big data processing model and the role it plays?

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